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Trustee Visit to Cambodia: Day 5

A dose of reality in Pailin today, starting with a visit to Soun Ampou Primary School. In May 2023, our charity provided a borewell, handwash facility and complete refurb/painting for this appallingly maintained government school with no water supply. By October ’23, job completed, all was going much better. Today’s pictures tell their own story….broken taps, graffiti on the walls, uncut grass and most seriously, the discovery that the site has been repeatedly vandalized (by outsiders, not the children). And no-one told us. So now the well won’t work, once again there is no water… and nobody seems much bothered.

We spent an hour discussing the way forward with Sister Angela and the teachers. The Principal was nowhere to be seen. Sad…and frustrating.

Charity is a messy business and sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, the outcome is less than satisfactory….this is the real world.

Then to the Sewing Room (set up by Support Cambodia in 2022) about which we have had no recent news. Yes, there is work going on (bags, bed sheets, uniform) but only two sewists, no training and several machines are standing idle. Much to think about here too.

On the positive side, a rather frantic afternoon of visits followed: to Sneung to see the new borewell installed in 2024, enjoy a wonderful welcome from kindergarten, youth groups and parents and to Don Bosco Technical School to meet our other three Vocational Training students, Sayet, Chavourn and Som. All these activities overran considerably, requiring Father Carlos to drive at speed through the rush hour traffic and be late for his next engagement with the Bishop! Apologies! 🤞he didn’t get into trouble!

So, a day of real contrasts: apathy and passive acceptance versus enthusiasm and positive commitment. This is the reality in Cambodia.

You can keep up to date with Katie and Maria’s visit to Cambodia right here on this website or on our Facebook page.