The newly-launched WHEELCHAIR FUND got off to a great start at our twice-yearly stall at WALSINGHAM CATHOLIC SHRINE on Monday 6th May. The weather had deterred many from coming but those who did were very generous and we managed to take enough to provide two wheelchairs to add to the [nearly] 5 others already funded. UPDATE [July 12th]: we now have nearly 9 wheelchairs and a dedicated Campaign [fundraising page] at where anyone who wishes can contribute any amount to the Fund.
The purpose of the Fund is to provide wheelchairs for the very poorest people with a disability, mainly landmine victims. Lack of mobility affects both the whole family and the close community, especially in a rural village so although it is the individual who receives the chair, everyone benefits. Wheelchairs, made in Cambodia, COST AROUND £100 [contributions can be any amount, from £1 upwards] and are allocated according to need with the poorest and most remotely located having priority.
DONATIONS TO THE WHEELCHAIR FUND may be made via the usual methods [online, cash, cheque or standing order]. Please mark your donation “ Wheelchair Fund’. If appropriate, please register with us to Gift Aid your donation.